Project Activities
The SMARTNET Project is designed to support the provision of effective business and product development services that will help entrepreneurs accelerate the commercialisation of technology-oriented business ideas with high performance and synergy by improving the network between Technology Transfer Intermediary Institutions.
The project has 3 main activities covering sub-activities:
Activity 1: Establishment of a Network of Technology Transfer Agencies and Development of Institutional Infrastructure
Activity 2: Pilot Application for Acceleration, Commercialisation and Access to Funds
Activity 3: Visibility and Communication Activities
Within the scope of project activities
- Providing 250 entrepreneurs with business development and commercialisation trainings,
- Establishment of 10 new innovation-oriented enterprises,
- obtaining national/international patents,
- Supporting the commercialisation of 2 technology-oriented business ideas and
- It is aimed to contribute to the development of the capacities of Technology Transfer Offices.
To support the development of the capacities of Technology Transfer Offices
- to ensure cooperation between TTOs with a perspective that promotes the strengths and eliminates the weaknesses of network members in order to optimise resources and capabilities,
- To highlight patents, business ideas and entrepreneurs with high commercialisation potential with its smart software infrastructure based on artificial intelligence,
- To accelerate the commercialisation processes of business ideas and patents of entrepreneurs and SMEs with the funnel model to identify qualified business ideas and filtered patents,
- To increase awareness on patents, evaluation of inventions, strengthening the follow-up of applications,
- matching products and services at the commercialisation stage with national and international angel investment funds,
- Organising a study visit to a selected country in the European Union to introduce good practices, networking and access to relevant opportunities to entrepreneurs and project stakeholders
- to reach and host qualified mentors and qualified angel investors; and
- Activities are carried out to monitor and support TTO graduate entrepreneurs.